Make the birthday cards you send just that little bit more personal by choosing the Flower of the Month for each Birthday!
Just one example of each Birth Month Flower is shown here.
But most of them are available in a custom front version or already personalised for a particular recipient.
If you can't find the one you want, just send me a message through my store and I'll be pleased to help!
January Snowdrops
(February versions of this card also available as Snowdrops are known as Februry Fair Maids in some countries)
February - Primroses
March - Daffodils
April - Daisies and Sweet Peas
May - Lilies of the Valley
June - Roses
August - Poppies
September - Morning Glories
October - Marigolds
November - Chrysanthemums
December - Poinsettias
to see more than 200
Birth Month Flower
Birthday Cards!