Tuesday, 24 February 2015

February Art & Design -

The time-consuming health distractions that beset me in January have continued into February with a very bad back and then concerns about my blood pressure, all meaning that I've spent more time in my doctor's waiting room than I would have liked. Thankfully I've now been told that my blood pressure isn't actually anything to worry about and my ECG was also fine. That's a relief but it's all been time-consuming! 

So I'm quite surprised at how much 'work' I've managed to complete since I my last 'Work in Progress' blogpost, a month ago!

There is an A4, High Resolution version of this
to download over on my Art & Design blog

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Colour Palette - Pomegranate

Pomegranate - Friend or Foe?

I haven't eaten a pomegranate since I was a small child.

And there's a reason! 

Born during WW2 and growing up during 'rationing', I can vaguely remember that imported fruits weren't always available. But somehow pomegranates found their way into my diet and I loved them, not so much for their taste as for their novelty value. Unlike other fruits, it's the seeds that we eat and it was that peculiar difference that made them so attractive to me.

Friday, 6 February 2015

20 Gifts and Cards with Sheep - Silly and Otherwise!

Did you know that there are more sheep in Wales than there are people?

(And because I'd never been to Wales at the time, I managed to mis-read an important exam question, and wrote a very convincing essay on why there are NO sheep in Wales - a great lesson in always reading the instructions/question!)

So here are just a few from my Posh & Painterly Cymru store on Zazzle - 

Sheep are often thought to be rather silly - must admit their expression often looks a bit 'vacant' and they do seem to be very easily led (or herded!) by their more intelligent friends, the sheepdogs -