Thursday, 16 June 2016

Water Lilies Birthday Cards and Gifts for a July Birthday

Keeper's Pond, Blorenge, South East Wales, with Sugarloaf in the distance

The Water Lily is the Birth Month Flower for July. 
So a Water Lily painting or design would make a very special Birthday Card or Gift for anyone with a July birthday.

I always think of Water Lilies as rather exotic, tropical flowers, floating like bright stars at night on deep, dark waters. In fact they are native to Asian countries and the white Water Lily is the national flower of Bangladesh and the state flower of Andhra Pradesh in India, while the blue Water Lily is the national flower of Sri Lanka.

But Water Lilies are also to be found in South America and the Gulf of Mexico states of North America.

And, since the 19th Century, some varieties have been bred
 to thrive  in more temperate climates like ours.

(If you'd like to know more about Water Lilies, please follow this link.) 

Even so, it came as a shock to me to catch sight of some Water Lilies on the Keeper's Pond, right up on top of the Blorenge Mountain that I can see from my upstairs windows, here in Abergavenny. 

Hardly the kind of 'flora' you'd associate with a Welsh Mountain, where gorse and blueberry (or wimberry) bushes are the norm!

But there they were and I was lucky to get a photo of them that has become one of my most popular greeting cards.

I painted the Water Lilies for my very first July Birthday Cards in gouache and I hope I've succeeded in capturing something of their distinctive 'glow'. 

You can see some of the birthday cards and gifts with these watercolour Water Lilies by scrolling down to the bottom of my "July Birthday" collection below. 

But you can find many more July Birthday Cards, including some for specific family and friends in my Zazzle store - and lots more gifts as well. 

More recently, I created pink Water Lilies in hand-painted paper collage and added blue Dragon Flies to make patterns for my Posh & Painterly "Lily Pond" collection.

In some of the patterns, I added a gold-effect outline as a hint of the rather exotic nature of Water Lilies!

Here are some of the July Birthday Cards and 'Lily Pond' gifts and gift wrapping papers that I've collected together, hoping to make your birthday shopping quicker and easier:

Click anywhere on the image below to see the whole collection -

And if you still can't find the Birthday Card or Gift you want for a July Birthday, you can find yet more choice HERE!